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NCD Hit Window

The NCD Hit window displays details about individual NCD hits. It is used in conjunction with any image window that displays NCD tubes, and displays information about the NCD nearest the cursor. If there is no NCD near the current cursor location, no information is shown. The following list describes the quantities displayed for each NCD.


The NCD string name, with the string number in brackets.
Mux Hits
The number of times a Mux fired for this NCD in the event. Usually this number will be either 0 or 1 unless events are being summed.
Shaper Hits
The number of times a shaper fired for this NCD.
Scope Hits
The number of scope traces associated with this NCD.
Shaper Val
The shaper ADC value. This will be zero unless the shaper fired. If summing events, this is the average shaper value for all summed events.
Mux Bus
The Mux bus number for this NCD.
Mux Box
The Mux box number for this NCD.
Mux Chan
The Mux channel associated with the NCD.
HV Supply
The HV supply number for this NCD.
Shaper Slot
The Shaper Slot number.
Shaper Addr
The shaper hardware address.
Shaper Chan
The shaper channel number.
Scope Chan
The scope channel number associated with this NCD.
The preamp serial number for this NCD.
PDS Board, PDS Channel
The PDS board and channel numbers.
The names of all counters in the NCD string. NCD strings consist of 3 or 4 separate proportional counters that are joined together.
X, Y
The X,Y position of the NCD tube in the detector (in cm).