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Revision History

3.2.0 (12/06/98)  Added QSnoed ROOT object.
3.2.5 (12/10/98)Write and read binary versions of database and calibration file.
3.2.6 (12/17/98)Added snoman calibration and dynamic water levels in ROOT version.
3.2.7 (01/14/99)Added calibrated PmtEventRecord support & NO_DISPATCH option.
3.2.8 (01/19/99)Added additional NHIT logic to Event Control.
3.5.0 (01/29/99)Upgraded back to C++.
3.5.1 (02/26/99)Added monte carlo track display and extended PmtEventRecord format.
3.5.2 (04/13/99)Switched back to 'w' dispatcher subscription to avoid memory leak.
3.5.3 (04/16/99)Changed history buffer size to 50 events.
3.5.4 (05/05/99)Added Peak/Int/Diff display.
3.5.5 (05/13/99)Changed zdab reader to allow events with NHIT up to 10,000. Added File/Settings menu with hex-GTID and UTC-time options.
3.5.6 (05/17/99)Mouse button 3 now selects hits to be discarded from a fit. Can now type in fit position, direction and time.
3.5.7 (05/27/99)Added optional XYZ hit display. Added rotation angle display.
3.6.0 (06/03/99)Added ability to hide under/overscale hits. Added display of number of visible hits in Event Info window. Added "Apply" button to histogram scales window. Added ability to save events to ZDAB file. Changed Goto logic. Changed About box.
3.6.1 (06/08/99)Fixed 'Josh' bar problem introduced in 3.6.0 and changed so the rotation is in the same sense as horizontal scrollbar in projection window. Fixed zdab writer bugs. Added ability to write to 4 separate zdab files. Added output zdab filenames to XSnoed resources.
3.6.2 (06/14/99)Changed calibration code to use new database file.
3.6.3 (06/16/99)Centralized duplicated calibration code into calibrate.c. Added Peak/Int/Diff support to QEvent conversions.
3.7.0 (06/22/99)Added Event Time window. Added new "future" history buffer and expanded buffers to 100 events. Added Settings window, and new hit size setting.
3.7.1 (06/30/99)Added Peter Skensved's code to read titles file calibration constants.
3.7.2 (07/14/99)Added Nathaniel Tagg's xsnoman code and VAX support. Added DEBUG_MEMORY code to check for memory leaks.
3.7.3 (08/13/99)Added Next/Prev event time display.
3.7.4 (08/30/99)Changed XmString handling to fix memory leaks.
3.7.5 (09/02/99)Added prev/next times to event history buffer.
3.7.6 (09/10/99)Added cone angle to Fitter window.
3.8.0 (09/14/99)Added ability to save xsnoed settings.
3.8.1 (09/17/99)Fixed some problems associated with opening extra main windows.
3.8.2 (09/20/99)Added print capability.
3.8.3 (09/22/99)Added print image (vector postscript) capability.
3.8.4 (10/01/99)Save actual tube radii for readout of tube positions (affects format of binary database file -- old files are now invalid). No longer restores trigger settings and other potentially confusing settings from resources.
3.8.5 (10/08/99)Fixed Hit Info XYZ display for Missing, Owl and Low Gain tubes. Added display of BUTTS and Neck tubes. No longer displays Missing tubes in 3-D image, or Missing, BUTTS or neck tubes in projection and flat images. Changed name of Missing tubes to FECD. Added support for new format calibration files. Expanded NHIT cut to accept PMT type keywords. Updated database.dat and changed format of binary database and calibration files. Fixed potential crash problem introduced by trying to hide the cursor in text edit fields.
3.8.6 (10/13/99)Added owl positions to database.dat. Save dispatcher name setting. Moved Save Settings button from Settings window to File menu. Made "Save Settings on Quit" off by default.
3.8.7 (10/15/99)Create PLabel object to avoid unnecessary label updates. Added Rch file support to ROOT version.
3.8.8 (10/19/99)Major changes to histogram scales window allowing it to be used for all histograms. Can now change scales of Event Times histogram.
3.9.0 (10/22/99)Structural change -- moved xsnoed resources into ImageData structure. Cleaned up ImageData structure. Some resource name changes. Fixed fitter problem -- was using the speed of light for air fill.
3.9.1 (10/25/99)Added Rch overlay feature. Fixed problem with selecting image for "Print Image" if window manager doesn't raise window on mouse click.
3.9.2 (10/27/99)Changed Motif object names to simplify XSnoed resources. Now generates new home resource file if existing copy is out of date. Removed Elliptical Cosine projection and added Elliptical Mollweide. Removed Polar Cosine projection and added Polar Equal Area.
3.9.3 (11/03/99)Darkened detector frame lines in postscript output. Added -n command line option.
3.9.4 (11/11/99)Changed Event Info window to update text more quickly. Changed name of settings file from "XSnoed" to ".XSnoed". Goto Run now opens a new run file if standard run filenames are used. Fixed bug which could cause crash while scanning a zdab file if there are more than 100 consecutive orphans.
3.9.5 (11/30/99)Added Record Info Window. Added "Show ZDAB Record Info" option. Changed trigger name EXT2 to HYDRO.
4.0.0 (12/13/99)Added event labels to image windows. Added extra options to Print dialog. Changed some menus. Added "All" and "None" to Hits submenu. Added "Sudbury" time option and option to allow disabling of angle display. Major internal changes to window update mechanism.
4.0.1 (12/14/99)Added greyscale display option. Moved "Print Image" up in File menu.
4.0.2 (12/17/99)Changed window hierarchy to fix LESSTIF "dead window" problem (this results in a loss of window position settings saved by older versions). Changed resource version to 3.1 to accomodate related resource changes. Fixed some minor label update problems. Added Printer/File selection to print dialog. Small changes to load settings logic. Switched positions of Settings OK and Cancel. Show "-" instead of "H000-00" as the panel number for Neck, BUTTS and FECD channels.
4.0.3 (12/22/99)Added label "big font" feature. Fixed bug which caused crash on startup if colors couldn't be allocated.
4.0.4 (12/23/99)Fixed ordering of external trigger bit names.
4.0.5 (01/03/00)Fixed window resize problem in Solaris versions.
4.0.6 (01/14/00)Added ability to dump dispatched record info. Changed "Show ZDAB Info" to "Dump Record Info" because it now works for dispatched data too. Changed "Run Info" window to "Record Info" window, and added display of other record types. Finally fixed time offset bug (introduced in version 3.9.0) that caused calibrated times to be negative.
4.0.7 (01/27/00)Added warning dialog when overwriting Print file. Added NO_FORK compiler option. Reverted back to the window hierarchy of 4.0.1 due to problems on some systems. Updated resource version to 3.3 because of the hierarchy change. Changed histogram auto-scaling behaviour. Removed XSNOMAN-specific code from XSNOED release. Added extra hit data sub-field to extended PmtEventRecord format, and added dynamic entries to Data menu and Hit Info window to support new data. Added xsnoed_replace() library interface routine. Added NO_FITTER_DAT compiler option.
4.0.8 (02/03/00)Added Goto Time option. Removed OPTICAL_CAL from standard release.
4.1.0 (02/11/00)Added ASCII Output window. Changed attachment of some text entry fields to allow them to grow in width with the window. Added Tab feature to Event Control window NHIT and Trigger fields. Added Sun Angle (%sa) to the list of label format specifications.
4.1.1 (02/24/00)Added "-s" command line option. Added code for DEMO_VERSION. Added "Echo Main Display" option for auxiliary displays.
4.1.2 (03/06/00)Added Colors window. Changed postscript output of 3-D image.
4.1.3 (03/10/00)Fixed display of EPED type in Record Info window. Draw directly to screen if memory not available for backing pixmap. Changes to image update mechanism. Minor changes to Colors window.
4.1.4 (03/13/00)Fixed some bugs in the print feature which could intermittently cause the printing to fail.
4.1.5 (03/21/00)Fixed bug which could cause crash if Hit Info window is opened while extra hit data is available (affects XSNOMAN version only). Clear Hit Info when the mouse moves out of the projection window. Added ability to display extra event data. Changed length of extra hit data 'name' from 16 to 24 characters in the extended PmtEventRecord and added optional format specification. Added sub-run number (%sr) to the list of label format specifications. Changed all transient shells to top level shells in yet another attempt to fix the Lesstif "dead window" problem. Changed color resource settings to use newer rgb syntax. Weighted greyscale levels by luminance instead of intensity. Disabled ineffective menu items. Added menu accelerators.
4.1.6 (03/25/00)Fixed bug in menu accelerators. Changed Event Control window layout to fix ugliness on Solaris systems. Patched problem where the restored window locations were offset by the window manager frame size on some systems. Changed XSNOMAN version so windows specified in settings are opened at startup. Changed resource version to 3.4 to propagate changes to resource font settings.
4.1.7 (03/31/00)Added ability to display all events with specific trigger bits set, regardless of the NHIT threshold.
4.1.8 (04/20/00)Changed character to force specific triggers to be displayed from '!' to '*'. Fixed color intensity slider behaviour for page up/down. Added "-d" command line option. Added new trigger name "NONE" to distinguish true orphans from valid events with no trigger bits set.
4.1.9 (05/11/00)Minor changes to fix some compiler incompatibilities. Fixed bug which caused crash if the filename was empty when "Save" was pushed in the Event Control window. Fixed bug which could cause crash when using "Goto" feature.
4.2.0 (05/16/00)Added Dump Data window from Mark Howe's code.
4.2.1 (05/23/00)Added display of total number of hits of each type to Event Info window and labels. Changed histogram binning for integer data types. Changed makefiles to support new Linux compilers and newly available Open Group Motif for Linux.
4.2.2 (06/09/00)Fixed bug where 'next' time sometimes wasn't updating properly. Save the filename for each event so the main window title always shows the proper filename for the currently displayed event.
4.2.3 (07/07/00)Minor improvements to Monte Carlo data display. Avoid unecessary updates of Event Info Prev/Next field. Change continuous update strategy to always try to show next event matching trigger settings (this means that XSNOED may lag the live data by 100 events if the trigger threshold is low, but now it won't skip events in a burst). Fixed initialization of log scale checkbox.
4.2.4 (07/10/00)Un-do update change of 4.2.3 because display was falling too far behind during extended periods of high event rates.
4.2.5 (07/13/00)Made hits on the front of the 3-D sphere solid instead of hollow. (OK, yes. After 8 years I finally gave in and changed it!) Added "load_trigger_settings" to resources to allow trigger settings to be loaded at startup. Added handler for broken dispatcher pipes. Added THICK_SUN compiler option to draw double-width sun vector. Added Nathaniel's command line rotation option.
4.2.6 (08/29/00)Fixed problem with non-zero orphan date/time in image labels.
4.3.0 (11/08/00)Added new code to calibrate using official titles files, but left this feature disabled for now. Changed lab rotation to new angle measured by gyrocompass. Now reads and writes extended PMT event records (but only writes fit information).
4.3.1 (12/05/00)Added SNODB Viewer window to ROOT version.
4.3.2 (02/15/01)Clicking on image label now turns on/off label in individual images.
4.4.0 (05/16/01)Added Animation window.
4.4.1 (05/17/01)Added Apply Window checkbox to Animation window.
4.4.2 (08/08/01)Fixed problem with colour scale when compiled with gcc 3.0
4.4.2 (08/08/01)Fixed problem with colour scale when compiled with gcc 3.0
4.4.3 (10/26/01)Added fit index to the fit name. Added colour support for new hardware.
4.4.4 (01/13/03)Fixed "endless resize" bug. Added OS X 10.2 support.
4.4.5 (04/08/03)Added source orientation readout to CAST record
4.5.0 (06/27/03)Added NCD Info Window
4.5.1 (08/29/03)Added NCD Scope Window and Trigger Scope Window
4.5.2 (10/10/03)Updated header file to fix ZDAB read on on SWAP_BYTES systems
4.5.3 (10/16/03)Fixed structure alignment crash bug in trigger scope code
4.5.4 (11/13/03)Added synthetic NCD trigger bits. FINALLY fixed Event Control window "dead button" problem!
4.5.5 (11/17/03)Moved NCD logic event selection logic from trigger bits to nhit
4.6.0 (11/27/03)Add NCD display to main 3D window
4.6.1 (12/12/03)Changes to NCD mapping. Fixed NCD Info display in sum mode. Fixed crash problem with dispatch data on Linux.
4.6.2 (01/13/04)Fixed problem in count for NCD MUX threshold. Attempt to fix crash of Linux version when viewing dispatched data.
4.6.3 (01/20/04)Increase the number of NCD Shaper Slots (was 10, now 21)
4.7.0 (07/16/04)Added NCD Histogram and NCD map windows. Properly sum NCD hits. NCD Scope hits still not implemented. Allow shift of histogram Y scales. Changed trigger names: NCD->NCDMUX, EXT7->NCDSHAP.
4.7.1 (07/19/04)Display latest NCD scope trace for all channels when in sum mode. Properly interpret NCD scope bits. Improve NCD histogram scaling.
4.7.2 (07/22/04)Added support for new NCD data types.
4.7.3 (07/23/04)Changed ordering of Shaper/MUX/Scope entries in windows and menus. Changed handling of NCD hit mask bits to make more sense. Fixed problem when displaying multiple NCD scope traces.
4.7.4 (07/27/04)Changes to histogram Y scales to fix arithmetic exception problem.
4.7.5 (07/29/04)Clear NCD scope on Clear Event. Fix handling of palette changes. Allow NCD Map to be displayed in main window.
4.8.0 (09/24/04)Dynamically load PMT/NCD databases based on the event run number. Added NCD Hit window. Speed up drawing of NCD scope traces.
4.8.1 (09/30/04)List contents of general NCD records, and add "General" hit type.
4.8.2 (10/14/04)Added menu to NCD scope window. Fixed maximum scale problem with histogram Y scales. Updated run and source bit names.
4.9.0 (10/18/04)Added PMT/NCD logic to Event Control window. Added PMT name to Hit Info window. Save NCD scope menu settings and add scope scales to resources. NCD data (but not summed NCD data) is now saved with a "Save" in the Event Control window. Fixed problem in loading PMT barcode for neck tubes (database.dat.bin files should be rebuilt).
4.9.1 (11/02/04)Fixed memory delete problem when closing Event Times window. Added new PMT and NCD database files and db_list.dat. Fixed NCD positions in old default NCD database. Updated printout of NCD livetime scalar record.
4.9.2 (11/10/04)Changed definition of NCD livetime record start/middle/stop flags
4.9.3 (11/18/04)Fixed bug in ZDAB reader which could cause the last few events in a file to be missed.
4.9.4 (12/03/04)Fixed bug in Flat window which caused hits not to be displayed if a new database was loaded after opening the Flat window.
4.9.5 (01/04/05)Fixed bug where NCD size gets reset if settings are cancelled. Added "Reset Event Sum" setting.
4.9.6 (02/09/05)Fixed bug which could cause crash when resizing NCD Scope Window. Updated NCD tube maps.
4.9.7 (05/20/05)Print proper scope trace when Print Image used on NCD Scope Window.
4.9.8 (01/03/06)Added rope information to CAST record display.
5.0.0 (09/08/11)Added modifications for SNO+ version
5.0.1 (06/01/12)Buffered dispatcher reading for higher data rates. Save CAEN Y scale limits and add CAEN channel labels to resources.
5.0.2 (11/07/12)Clear CAEN histograms when "Clear Event" selected. Fixed problem with changing width of HitInfo window columns. Updated Sudbury DST changeover times (in Mar and Nov since 2007)
5.0.3 (03/24/14)Added resource names to CAEN channel menu. Added Full and Auto buttons to histogram scales dialog. Fixed quirk with drawing bars of supressed-zero histogram.
5.0.4 (12/19/16)PH Added TUBII trigger info and hotkey for "Clear Event" menu item
5.0.5 (01/11/17)PH Use SNO+ time zero of Jan 1, 2010
5.0.6 (04/07/17)Ben Land - Patch race condition in dispatcher thread
5.0.7 (04/11/17)PH Show RHDR GTID's in zdab dump
5.0.8 (05/18/17)PH Update to SNO+ tube map
5.0.9 (05/31/17)PH Added CAEN Scope summing feature
5.1.0 (06/13/17)PH Fixed some potential crash problems
5.1.1 (07/19/17)PH Fixed decoding of RHDR date/time for SNO+
5.1.2 (08/10/17)PH Print CAST/SOSL sourceID as 2 16-bit integers
5.1.3 (08/11/17)PH Added FECD trigger display to Event Info window
5.1.4 (08/17/17)PH Added source name to CAST record display
5.1.5 (08/18/17)PH Changed "EXT6" to "NO_CLK"
5.1.6 (11/21/17)PH Updated manipulator rope names and added CAEN Log Color Sum option
5.1.7 (06/20/18)PH Updated Record Info window to show new CAST sourceOffset
5.1.8 (11/06/19)PH Added definitions for new run type bits
5.1.9 (03/11/20)PH Changed print scaling so "Print Image" works with larger windows

Known Bugs

All knows bugs fixed