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Monte Carlo Window

The Monte Carlo window displays information about the Monte Carlo simulation if available for this event. Data is displayed for each vertex of the current track. The interaction times are in nanoseconds with respect to the global trigger time, the energy is in MeV, R is the distance from the center of the detector in centimeters, and Z is the vertex elevation in centimeters. Also given are the particle name and interaction type.

The track list is displayed in chronological order for the currently selected track. If the track branches, only one branch is followed in the list. The vertex closest to the cursor is indicated by an asterisk in the list.

The menu in the Monte Carlo window controls the display of Monte Carlo information in the main XSNOED window. The following sections describe the various Monte Carlo window menu entries:

Monte Carlo Display Menu

Hide Interaction Labels
Turns off the display of particle interaction labels at the Monte Carlo vertices in the 3-D image.
Show Interaction Labels
Turns on the display of interaction names in the 3-D image of the main XSNOED window. Note that some interaction names may not be displayed if they are too close together in a single track. The image to the right gives an example of a Monte Carlo display with interaction labels shown.
Label Highlighted Track
Shows interaction labels only for the highlighted track. This is only effective if Highlight Current Track is also selected.
Highlight Current Track
If many tracks are displayed in the 3-D image window, the current track will be highlighted by drawing it in the Monte Carlo special color. Note that this has no effect if Track to One PMT is selected from the Tracks menu. This feature only functions while the Monte Carlo window is open.

Monte Carlo Tracks Menu

All Tracks
Display all Monte Carlo tracks in the 3-D image. Note that certain tracks may still be hidden depending on the particles selected in the particles menu.
Track to One PMT
Display the Monte Carlo track leading to the PMT hit nearest the cursor. Will display all vertices leading to the PMT, regardless of whether or not the particles are selected in the particle menu. Note that there will be no Monte Carlo track for a PMT noise hit.
Selected Tracks:
Display any Monte Carlo track which contains any of the following interaction types:
Spectral Reflection
Display any Monte Carlo track containing a spectral reflection interaction.
Diffuse Reflection
Display any Monte Carlo track containing a diffuse reflection interaction.
Diffuse Transmission
Display any Monte Carlo track containing a diffuse transmission interaction.
Rayleigh Scattering
Display any Monte Carlo track containing a Rayleigh scattering interaction.
PMT Bounce
Display any Monte Carlo track containing a PMT bounce interaction.
Reached PMT
Display any Monte Carlo track which results in a PMT hit.

Monte Carlo Particles Menu

The display for certain particle types can be turned off by deselecting items in this menu. A vertex and the track leading away from it will only be displayed if the associated particle is selected in this menu.


Display the Monte Carlo vertices for photons.
Display the Monte Carlo vertices for gammas.
Display the Monte Carlo vertices for electrons.
Display the Monte Carlo vertices for neutrinos. This includes any flavor of neutrino.
Display the Monte Carlo vertices for neutrons.
Display the Monte Carlo vertices for unknown particle types. This includes any vertex with an invalid particle code.
Display the vertices of all particles. Has the effect of selecting all of the particles menu entries, plus any particles without menu entries.
Turns off display of all particles. Note that this option also turns off display of some particles not listed in the particles menu. The only way to turn on the display of these particles is with the All menu entry.