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Main XSNOED Window

The main XSNOED window displays a 3-D image of the PSUP and phototube hits, as well as providing a display of the acrylic vessel, water level, and fitted events. The Display menu controls the display of these and various other items. (Note that the main display can also be configured to show other event views. These other views, Flat Map, Crate Map and Projection, are described later in this document.)

The phototube support structure (PSUP) is shown as a white wire frame. Phototubes participating in the event (hits) are shown as colored hexagons. Tubes on the near side of the sphere are solid hexagons, while tubes on the back side are outlines. The X-Y-Z coordinate frame is shown in green. The Y axis is construction north, and the X axis points toward the control room. A yellow line extends from the origin in the direction of the sun at the time of the event (or at the current time if no event is displayed).

The event reconstruction (fit) is displayed as a red line and ring. The line starts at the event vertex and points in the direction of the fitted event, ending at the intersection with the sphere of the detector. The ring represents the intersection of the event's Cherenkov cone with the detector sphere. If more than one fit is available, other fits are displayed in green.

Note that all colors are user configurable, and may be changed through settings in the Colors window.

The title bar of the window gives some basic information about the event being viewed. This information is in the form [<filename>:<gtid>.<fit>], where <filename> is the name of current event file (or "Run ####" if connected to the dispatcher), <gtid> is the global trigger ID of the event being viewed (in decimal by default, but can be changed to hexadecimal through an option in the Settings window), and <fit> is the index number of the currently selected fit if available (set through the Fitter window or the Move/Next Fit menu entry).

NCD tube hits are also drawn in the 3-D image. The color of an NCD tube represents the value of the displayed NCD data type set in the Data menu, with a scale set by the NCD Histogram. The size of the tubes can be set through a slider in the Settings window

If Monte Carlo data is available, the particle tracks are drawn. The color of the track indicates the particle type. See the section on the Monte Carlo window for more information about the Monte Carlo display, and the Colors window settings for the specific colors used.

The display can be rotated in any direction by clicking with the left mouse button and dragging. If the image is rotated away from the home position, the rotation angles Theta, Phi and Gamma are shown in the upper right corner of the window. Theta is the angle of rotation from the Z axis, Phi is the rotation about the Z axis measured counterclockwise from the X axis in the X-Y plane, and Gamma is the angle that the Z axis makes with vertical in the 2-D projection. In this representation, the Home position is T=90, P=0 and G=0 degrees. Angles can also be represented in radians, or the angle display can be turned off through the Angles setting in the Settings window.

The right mouse button is used to shift the sphere in x and y. When Move/Fit is selected from the menu, the left mouse button shifts the fit, and the right mouse button changes the direction of the current fit (the current fit is selected through the Move/Next Fit menu entry if more than one fit is available).

The center mouse button is used to select individual hits (PMT's) to be discarded from the fit. Pressing this button near a hit in this window or any of the other image windows causes the "discarded" flag to be toggled for the hit. When running the Online fitter, discarded hits are not included in the fit. For Manual fits, discarded hits are not included in the Sigma calculation, and the calculation is re-done whenever the "discarded" flag changes for any hit. For the ROOT version, discarded hits will have bit zero of the QEvent bitmask set to indicate that the hit should be discarded.

Like other windows, the left scrollbar controls the magnification of the image, and can be used to zoom in or out. The right scrollbar sets the viewpoint for the perspective view, and the bottom scrollbar (the "Josh" bar) rotates the image about the z axis.

The main XSNOED window contains the menus which are explained in the next section.