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Rch Windows

The Rch windows (RchTime, RchQhs, RchQhl and RchQlx) display the singles histograms for the channel nearest the cursor. The histogram label shows the crate/card/channel currently plotted.

These windows are only available in the ROOT version of XSNOED. The Rch file is selected through the main window Files/Open Rch File menu entry. If no Rch file is open, the "Open Rch File" dialog box will appear when any Rch window is opened. The Rch file can also be set through the QSnoed::SetRch() functions from the ROOT console.

The Rch histogram may be overlaid with data from another Rch file. To do this, select Files/Open Overlay from the Rch window menu. The overlay data is drawn in the "scale_col3" color. By default, the overlay Y scale is adjusted to have the same maximum value as the main data. A manual change of the Y axis disables this automatic scaling of the overlay data. Note that the overlay file is specific to the window, so different overlay files may be opened for the various Rch windows.

After opening an Rch window, the histogram scales are set the same as the corresponding calibrated data in the Event Histogram window. These scales can be changed by clicking or dragging as with all XSNOED histograms. Manually changing the Y scale will disable the automatic y-axis scaling feature, but a quick click in the histogram plot area turns it back on.