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Hit Info Window

The Hit Info window displays details about individual PMT hits. It is used in conjunction with any of the event windows, and gives information about the hit nearest the cursor. If there is no hit near the current cursor location, no information is shown. The following list describes the quantities displayed for each hit.

Note that uncalibrated channels may show n/a for some quantities when displaying calibrated data. This correponds to a numerical value of -9999.


The GTID of the hit. This will always be the same as the event GTID unless the event is an orphan. In orphan events, the event GTID is zero, and there may be a number of different GTID's for hits in the event (since individual orphan events are now collected into 'orphanages').
The measured time of the hit. This is shown in raw ADC counts for uncalibrated displays, or nanoseconds for calibrated displays. See the Data Menu section for information on how to change the calibration. In sum mode, this gives the average time for all hits in the channel.
The high-gain, short-integrate charge for the hit. The number is calibrated if a calibrated display is selected. In sum mode, this gives the average charge for all hits in the channel.
The high-gain, long-integrate charge for the hit. The number is calibrated if a calibrated display is selected. In sum mode, this gives the average charge for all hits in the channel.
Qlx / Qls / Qll
The low-gain, short or long integrate charge for the hit. The display will indicate Qls or Qll depending on the current channel setting. The number is calibrated if a calibrated display is selected. In sum mode, Qls and Qll are not differentiated, and the average charge for all hits in the channel is given.
Hit Cnt / Rate
The number of times a channel fired in the displayed event. For normal events, this number should always be 1 if the hardware is functioning properly. However, an individual channel may be hit many times in an orphanage event. This number is particularly useful in sum mode to determine the number of times a channel fired across all events summed. See the File Menu section for information about the sum mode. With the OPTICAL_CAL version of XSNOED, this entry displays the ratio of observed/expected occupancy when in calibrated hits mode and a valid set of optical calibration constants is loaded. When displaying CMOS rates, this entry changes to Rate and gives the CMOS noise rate for the channel.
The crate number for the hit. For the detector underground, this is a number between 0 and 18. Crate 19 exists above ground in the hardware test setup.
The front-end card (FEC) index for this channel. Also referred to as slot number, and ranges from 0 to 15.
The FEC channel number for this hit. Ranges from 0 to 31.
The CMOS cell number where the hit information was stored. This is a number between 0 and 15, and is important because the specific CMOS analogue storage cell used has an affect on the charge and time calibrations.
The type of channel. Valid channel types are Normal, OWL, Low Gain, Neck, BUTTS, FECD and Unknown. FECD indicates a channel that is not connected to a PMT (a Front End Card Digitizer channel). The type is indicated in brackets if the hit has been marked as discarded using the center mouse button. Only normal tubes are used for fitting.
The panel ID and hex cell number of the PMT in the detector expressed in the form HXXX-YY, where XXX is the panel number and YY is the hex cell. Valid hex cell numbers are 01-21. OWL tubes are shown as HXXX-00, where XXX gives the number of the PSUP node nearest the tube. Neck, BUTTS and FECDs have no corresponding panel number, so their panel shows up as "-".
The barcode identification and index number for this PMT. If there is no PMT associated with this channel, the barcode will be "-". The index number is given in brackets and corresponds to the electronics channel number for this PMT, beginning at 0 for crate 0, card 0, channel 0.
The displayed position of the PMT hit in centimeters. This information is only displayed if Hit Info: Show Hit XYZ is selected in the Settings window.