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Windows Menu

The Windows menu allows access to the various windows of the XSNOED display. The items in this menu are described below.

Record Info

Opens the Record Information window. This window displays information about the header records in the data.
Event Info
Opens the Event Information window. This window displays information about the specific event.
Hit Info
Opens the Hit Information window. This window displays information about the specific hit nearest the cursor in any image window.
Opens the Histogram window. This window displays a histogram of the currently selected Data item. The histogram X scale maps directly into the color scale used to draw hits. Scales changed either by clicking and dragging, or through the Histogram Scales settings. See the section on the Histogram window for more information.
Flat Map
Opens the Flat Map window. This window shows the detector as an unfolded geodesic.
Crate Map
Opens the Crate Map window. This window displays the crate/card/channel mapping of the tube hits.
Opens the Projection window. This window displays events projected onto a flat image using various different projections. See the section called Projection window for more details about the projection types.
NCD Info
Opens the NCD Info window which displays information about the NCD data in the current event in text format.
Opens the NCD Hit window. This window displays information about the specific NCD nearest the cursor in any image window displaying NCD tubes.
NCD Histogram
Opens the NCD Histogram window. Displays a histogram of the NCD data displayed. This histogram sets the color scale for the NCD hits.
Opens the NCD Map window. A X-Y map of the NCD layout which shows the NCD tube hits.
NCD Scope
Opens the NCD Scope window. This window shows the digitized NCD waveforms for all NCD scope channels.
Trigger Scope
Opens the Trigger Scope window. This window shows the digitized master trigger scope trace which is available in dispatched data.
CAEN Scope
Opens the CAEN Scope window. This window shows the digitized trigger sums. SNOPLUS version only.
Fitter (FITTR version only)
Opens the Fitter window. This window gives information about the current fit, and allows events to be fitted online. The fit will use the current calibration type. If the calibration is currently 'Uncalibrated' (or 'Pre-calibrated' and no pre-calibration is available), then the linear calibration is used for the fit.
Optical Constants (OPTICAL_CAL version only)
Opens the Optical Constants window. This window allows the user to set the source position and attenuation coefficients used in calculating the expected occupancies for the calibrated hits display. The displayed values are the expected/calculated ratios, normalized to an average of unity. The normalization constant is given as the Source Intensity in this window. When summing events (only with the calibrated hits display active), a "prompt light" time window is imposed before hits are summed. This time window has a half width of 3.5 ns, and is centered on the calibrated time for direct light for each tube. The percentage of hits in the prompt peak is displayed at the bottom of the window.

When the attenuation coefficients are changed, a message is broadcast to all copies of XSNOED in the current X window session, causing them to update their attenuation coefficients with the new values. This feature allows easy use of multiple source positions when tuning attenuation coefficients.

Monte Carlo
Opens the Monte Carlo window. This window displays Monte Carlo track information, and allows setting of the Monte Carlo display parameters. Note that Monte Carlo information is currently only available in ROOT files. The ZDAB Monte Carlo data doesn't contain enough information for track display.
Event Times
Opens the Event Times window. The Event Times window gives a histogram of the 50 MHz clock times for all events in the uncut history buffer.
ASCII Output
Opens the ASCII Output window. The ASCII Output window provides a utility for writing information about an event to a regular text file.
Opens the Animation window. The Animation window allows the tube hits of an event to be animated according to their actual arrival times.
Dump Data
Opens the Dump Data window. The Dump Data window allows you to dump event PMT information to a text file.
SNODB Viewer (ROOT_FILE version only)
Opens the SNODB Viewer window. The SNODB Viewer allows you to view values from the SNODB, and compare calibration constants from two different times.
Rch Time (ROOT_FILE version only)
Opens the Rch Time window. This window shows the singles time spectrum for individual channels.
Rch Qhs (ROOT_FILE version only)
Opens the Rch Qhs window. This window shows the singles Qhs spectrum for individual channels.
Rch Qhl (ROOT_FILE version only)
Opens the Rch Qhl window. This window shows the singles Qhl spectrum for individual channels.
Rch Qlx (ROOT_FILE version only)
Opens the Rch Qlx window. This window shows the singles Qlx spectrum for individual channels.